Ciudad Escolar Comfenalco.


Ciudad Escolar Comfenalco.

Elección Personero 2025 en Comfenalco

El 6 de marzo, la comunidad escolar de Comfenalco tendrá la oportunidad de elegir a su personero, un representante que velará por los intereses de todos los estudiantes.

Nuestra Misión
Nuestra Visión

Promovemos la participación activa de los estudiantes en la elección de su personero, fomentando un ambiente democrático y representativo dentro de la ciudad escolar Comfenalco.

Elección Personero 2025

El 6 de marzo, vota por el personero de la ciudad escolar Comfenalco.

A multi-story educational institution is surrounded by a grassy field. Several people wearing uniforms are gathered in front of the building, some walking across the lawn. The sky is partly cloudy, and there is signage on the building indicating a school name.
A multi-story educational institution is surrounded by a grassy field. Several people wearing uniforms are gathered in front of the building, some walking across the lawn. The sky is partly cloudy, and there is signage on the building indicating a school name.
Votación Personero

Participa en la elección del personero y haz oír tu voz.

Importancia del Voto

Tu voto es fundamental para elegir al mejor personero de nuestra comunidad escolar.

Proceso Electoral

Infórmate sobre el proceso electoral y cómo participar en la votación.

Galería Votaciones

Imágenes del proceso electoral para el personero escolar 2025.

A group of children wearing school uniforms are gathered outside a large building with peach-colored walls and white windows. Some children are sitting on the steps while others are engaged in playful activities around the paved courtyard. Tall trees with dense foliage provide shade, casting intricate shadows on the ground.
A group of children wearing school uniforms are gathered outside a large building with peach-colored walls and white windows. Some children are sitting on the steps while others are engaged in playful activities around the paved courtyard. Tall trees with dense foliage provide shade, casting intricate shadows on the ground.
A multi-story brick building with large windows, labeled 'School of Education', is framed by green foliage and yellow flowers in the foreground. The building features modern architectural lines with a series of stacked, protruding window sections.
A multi-story brick building with large windows, labeled 'School of Education', is framed by green foliage and yellow flowers in the foreground. The building features modern architectural lines with a series of stacked, protruding window sections.
A large group of students, mostly boys, are gathered in what appears to be a classroom or assembly hall. They are sitting closely together on the floor, wearing school uniforms that include white shirts and blue trousers. Some students are holding notebooks and pens, suggesting an educational setting. The atmosphere seems studious, with many students appearing attentive or contemplative.
A large group of students, mostly boys, are gathered in what appears to be a classroom or assembly hall. They are sitting closely together on the floor, wearing school uniforms that include white shirts and blue trousers. Some students are holding notebooks and pens, suggesting an educational setting. The atmosphere seems studious, with many students appearing attentive or contemplative.
A group of students and several adults are gathered in a school courtyard. Some students are in uniform, and there are decorative elements like red hearts on the walls. A yellow, blue, and red flag is visible. A few people appear to be holding papers or clipboards.
A group of students and several adults are gathered in a school courtyard. Some students are in uniform, and there are decorative elements like red hearts on the walls. A yellow, blue, and red flag is visible. A few people appear to be holding papers or clipboards.

Contáctanos para más información

Si tienes preguntas sobre la votación del personero, no dudes en contactarnos. Estamos aquí para ayudarte con cualquier consulta.


